Just got the Twilight Garrison from an exotic Engram! I was told it couldn't happen. Well sure as shit did. Dropped 310 for me. It's a goofy looking chest but I'll take it!
Video good to go.
Gameplay Video: https://youtu.be/DgPLfqZuZkA
Edited by ArtilleryTurtle: 10/9/2015 9:39:09 PMWhat strike/boss did it (the engram) drop from?
And yet still no one with astrocyte verse and ophidian aspects. Proof that bungie hates warlocks
Any gameplay of the evade?
Is it any good? What exactly does it do?
Nice man! Do you remember where the engram dropped from?
bump for later
Now it's my time to shine. Watch. I'm gonna farm Regicide for my Titan gauntlets. If you look at the cabal ultra, it's his.
Probably Bungie secretly allowing it to drop, kind of like how they added in the sleeper simulant quest. I honestly dont know.
Yeah that one kid can stop being a douche about it now
It exists and is obtainable from engrams no less! Hope has been restored!
Congrats Bud
Bump again for my clansmen!! You rock my friend!!
Edited by randmgamr: 10/9/2015 8:31:06 PM
I wish bungie would at least comment on this. I've gotten double digits of alpha lupis and they claimed repeated drops would happen less with the update. Did I misread anything or have they commented on this since?
Can we see it in action? Bet it's great in crucibal.
The drop rate is broken in the taken king you are not meant to get lupi after lupi after lupi its pathetic and annoying thats all i get :(
Edited by helloo: 10/9/2015 5:58:47 PMThis armor is actually becoming pretty popular. I literally have 4 people on my friends list who have it and got them all from engrams. Can we stop making these posts?
8 crests of alpha lupi later...
Link doesn't work.
sick, congrats
Congrats guardian.
YAY for proof!
Nice, congrats! How many coins would you say it took before it landed?