My titan used to be my worst pvp class, I struggled to even get him positive, before I have up entirely. I have up when he was a 0.89 kd, my lowest of all 3 (the other two being around 1.25)
After weapon balance patch 2.0 hit, and getting alot of tips from a post I made here, my titan went from my worst, to my best kd, I've been only playing my titan, and sticking entirely to crucible.
I attribute this to a few things. 1) I've put more time into him, so I've gotten used to the things that felt weird before. 2) I got alot of good tips from my forum post that I've put into use. 3) Weapon balance patch 2.0 gave alot more balance, so weapons are more competitive with other weapon classes, and dominate at certain ranges.
And 4) I don't have taken king, and am stuck playing classic 6v6, where as the 'better' players bought taken king and are playing their preferred, designated playlists.
Overall I'm pleased with the weapon balance patch, I think it improved variety in crucible greatly.