Increased control is for your jump not running. If you mean they have a faster jump then both catapult and increased height are faster than increased control.
Spamming it allows you to move at ground level and faster than any other class.
In a very linear way. I'll take my horizontal/lateral movement over vertical movement because I'm highly adjusted to it, but dodging said super is much easier with vertical movement, something thr hunter excels at. Titand are so god damn deadly because we're use to having a class based around 0 gunplay perks AND a one time super. Now our one time super became a roaming super, so we nesrly doubled our deadliness in one swing. Hunters may not be the fastest if you add skating in, but very few titans actually use and abuse that. We could say golden gun can do many things if you factor in builds that nobody uses, but we don't bring them up because the vast majority don't uses them... similiar to skating. I personally use it, but I also have over 1300 hours on my titan since week 8 of the game and have literally mained only him for a long time.
You realize a titans jump is only good when going upwards right? And increased doesn't increase speed but allows you to control your jump better. Also, What does this have to do with hammer of sol?
It increased speed in a forward motion if you spam it. Making sunbeaker faster than other class when using it. I dont think you realise how good increased control is lol.
Really? I had no idea people could do that hence this whole argument. Well shows that its not getting abused to heavily if some haven't thought it possible.
You should try it out.
I'd rather not. Knowing myself I'd probably abuse in certain situations :P
The ignorance.
In what way?
Here idiot
Never get any flak for that name do you?