If you are part of the Preview Program and are having problems with the new UI?
If they cannot be rectified by either hard resetting (from console or by the option in settings, not by controller) or turning off the console off and unplugging the power supply. (Every time I tried this it worked for me, that may not be the case for others?).
You might be worried about restoring to factory settings? This is a long video so Wi-Fi required but it's very informative.
If you have an external hard drive basically copy anything stored on the internal hard drive you really want on to your external. If you only have an internal you will lose all your digital games and will have too download them again via the cloud.
Remember if you are part of the program to feed back any issues to MS as they can't fix what they do not know exists, hold down the home key until it rumbles and select report a problem from the far left. Make Xbox a better place for everyone.
I still Have to manually access the WiFi on my Xbox. Everything is dandy though .