It isn't op and here's logical reasons why. I will be talking about 3 things: The class in general, the no perk super, and the Forgemaster and Cauterize super Keep in mind this is in all regard to PvP
1. The grenades are really good. They are all solid and powerful options. It does lack, however, the easiest grenade in the game, a bolt grenade, which has basically no hope of dodging. The Melee is still Titan t- Rex arms, but it does a nice about of damage. Still not as good as blink strike or Sunsinger Melee. Jump is same as other Titans. nothing special.
2. The unupgraded super comes with 5 hammers, one more that most Gunslingers. The hammers have an arc, relatively slow travel time, and time inbetween shots. If you wait too long you will miss out on a hammer or two. You can survive a gg shot if your armor is maxed, but that makes you too slow to get around to kill enough people.
3. This is what most people roll with. It gives you 7 hammers, bigger explosions, and regenerating health after every super kill. Realize that the regen health works like any other. If you take one shot you stop regenerating, making 2 (or more) v 1 encounters easily lost.
In conclusion, it is a very powerful super. The best way to counter it is by jumping away. It is extremely hard for a hammer to hit a moving target off of the ground. The only thing that should be changed is the surviving a gg shot. that is just stupid
You did not watch the video eh ?
I am not wasting 10 minutes of my life listening to some guy b*tching
Lol you funny So your trying to say hes wrong but you dont even know what he said
Edited by Joyaboi: 10/8/2015 1:09:06 AMI am assuming he was saying hammer is op. am I wrong?
No guess again
wtf I just watched. the whole time he was just b*tching and popping, hopefully, jokes
Edited by Lil_The_Myth: 10/8/2015 1:26:05 AMNo he said that it is the same as a warlock before the lock got nerfed he said warlock was more op
when did warlocks get nerfed?
The ram radiant skin remember that ?
lol he said hammer has proximity detonation
Edited by Lil_The_Myth: 10/8/2015 1:39:00 AMIt does you can see it in the 5 clips he has lol Golden gun also has it
alright now I know you are joking. I am going to leave I am too confused.
You have never used golden gun i see
I have but a scan fire weapon cannot prix detonate
You really havnt used golden gun .... Wow
lol Trials
wtf I just watched. the whole time he was just b*tching and popping, hopefully, jokes
The hammers do have some sort of proximity detonation involved, which makes the arc and travel time meaningless. I've easily taken on 3 and 4 v 1 situations, and it's very easy to come out of that on top. As of now, HoS is both the best offensive and defensible [i]mobile[/i] super. It should not be both. Hammers need to be toned down a bit, or damage reduction toned down to bladedancer and stormtrance levels.
The hammers do not have proximity. How in the hell do you consider this class a defensive [i]mobile[/i] class. And why would you nerf the damage reduction to be like other supers when it is it's own subclass.
Have you seen the massive hit boxes they have? It's basically proximity. Ask around. It's a mobile super, just like arc blade, storm trance, radiance, and golden gun. It can survive the most out of those (besides radiance with radiant skin), and can kill the most out of those. That's what I meant by my statement.
you said "defensive" mobile super. How is this defensive. It's all offensive
I explained what I meant for you in my previous post. I'll say it again. Out of the mobile supers (arc blade, golden gun, radiance, storm trance, HoS), HoS can get the most kills (best offensive mobile super), while enjoying the most defense (55% damage reduction), in addition to health regen from (ranged) kills. That's what I mean by the best defensive mobile super. Does that answer your question? If not, I can go into more detail for you.
Nah that about sums it up. Still don't agree with the nerf though.
I should have clarified my original statement. I don't agree with a nerf either - what brings Sunbreaker in line with other subclasses is the fact that the subclass, in general, is lacking. The super may be more powerful, but other subclass abilities really aren't. [i]If[/i], and that's a big if, they were to nerf it, then it should be something very small and nothing major at all. Bringing the damage reduction in line with Arc Blade and Storm Trance is one option, just so that a golden gun shot and a 1000-yard impact shot kills him. Another option would be to just reduce the hammers by like 1, maybe 2. I don't think any of that is a major nerf. Once again, I don't agree with a nerf. Sorry for not clarifying that to begin with!
Np you might have anyway I'm like half asleep lol