So true and a black spindle one shots the hammer of sol so people need to stop complaining and use guns to counter it if they feel that strongly, " but I want to use some other exotic and bs isn't a pvp sniper" well maybe you need to get good any gun can be amazing in crucible, it's just the wielder that sucks
Exactly! Or maybe idk Just stop trying to 1v1 a damn flaming tank for whatever stupid Montage video!!! Damn. Some people just don't understand
Yeah...... Hey maybe if the host pulls out his internet cable u can whack him with a sword until he dies
Oh my I better STFU. Look at all those helpful tips. Thank you planet destiny.
See how no where did they say "this needs to be nerfed, it's so op, the armor is ridiculous" Last time I died to a sunbreaker was because I attempted to engage. Don't engage a flaming tank, it's very straightforward
Just reinforces my point that its OP. The only counter is to run. Every other super even FoH has a counter. Btw they didnt say its OP in the video because they dont want to annoy 1/3 of the people who watch their videos.
What's the strat for fist of havoc? What's the strat for nova bomb? What's the strat for gg? What's your strat for ward of dawn? " Because I'm sure these strats you use are 100% effective.