Everyone is still ugly and nix is still a threat to me and bloodguard
I hate all of you
Bby you're less ugly
I was so worried.
It's you and me against the world.
Damn straight
How am I a threat!? He's totally not into me like dat!
I must take precautions!
Pfft. I would make a better allie ya know.
Prove it
Wow you can't prove your usefulness :(
Right. Would you rather a proved myself as a negative force?
why not both?
I appreciate your commitment to this matter
I'm sure you do. If you are going to count me as a threat your relationship with Blood is not going to last.
You're alright in my book..
Haha. Well then.
But I love you.
Um Gay
Nah man. [spoiler]We still haven't played on Xbox yet mang.[/spoiler]