Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
335 titan Need 2 for nf 320+ light Dont need a mic Gt eggsacutor
335 titan Need 2 for nf 320+ light Dont need a mic Gt eggsacutor
Need 1 for nightfall. Gamertag same as above.
At the end of nightfall need 2 msg in game gt the same
Raid - king fall CP- Fresh Run Set- hard mode Gt- Damarava My character -lvl 335 warlock with Touch of Malice - send a message via xbox for a better chance to become invited. As we'll have fun and become legends Requirements - Must have a mic for communicational purposes - Pls when sending a response out ur light level and ur class Light lvl 330+ Experience and have patience As well as no children pls
Need 1 or 2 for nightfall you must be 320 no mic required
Raid - king fall CP- Fresh Run Set- hard mode Gt- Damarava My character -lvl 335 warlock with Touch of Malice - send a message via xbox for a better chance to become invited. As we'll have fun and become legends Requirements - Must have a mic for communicational purposes - Pls when sending a response out ur light level and ur class Light lvl 330+ Experience and have patience As well as no children pls
335 Titan LFG Gamertag: Orbatron
Need 2
330 warlock lf group for nightfall gt above
Need 1. Message alch3mist killa.
Need 2 for nf. No mic needed
Need 1 at boss
330 warlock looking for a group to run the nightfall msg gt for invite or just send one
330 warlock looking for a group to run the nightfall msg gt for invite or just send one
I need two got nightfall. Message for invite.
334 Titan needs 2 for nightfall. Message gt: dannylux123 For. Invite.
Need 2 for nightfall GT Brick626
Need 2 for nightfall GT same above
Need 1 for nightfall pm turretedbore5 for N invite
331 titan lfg nightfall. Gamertag same as above
Need 1 for NF. Please message me
need 2 msg yaowa og .. im 335
Need one for nightfall
Need 2