Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
Running nf come join me
Inv me for nf
331 titan, need 2 or inv for nf GT same as above
Need 1 for nf
Need 2 at boss message CordingOne
Inv me for nf
Need 2 for nightfall gt same as name
Looking for quick run Gt: leftlane1
Need 2 for nightfall gt same as above
329 warlock looking for two to do night fall maybe multiple times for shotgun
323 warlock seeking invite for nightfall GT same as above
Just started, need two. Msg X503x cerberus for inv
335 titan need 2 for nf
308 max 311 Warlock looking for 2 around 310
Anyone want to see me smash out PvP come watch me stream Twitch.Tv/Feedthedingoo
Need one for NF
Need one for nf, msg feed da seed
334 titan for nf EKSESSIVnoLESS
Need one for nf, msg feed da seed
Need 1 for nightfall. In the middle. Msg KingCodeman99
Need one for nightfall grinding for stolen will Gy as above
Need 1 for Nightfall message Destrorier10
Need 1 for nightfall. Already started. Message TakeItSleazy101
Need 3 for oryx callenge message WESTERN COAST36 for inv must have crazy story to tell
Need one for nf msg X503x cerberus for inv
328 hunter invite mag78239