Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
Thebostonredsox 328 hunter invite please
335 warlock looking to join for Nf, invite CallOfCrEEd19
335 hunter for nf need 2 GT big5loppy
Need 2 for nightfall. My gt is above.
Need one for nightfall message for invite gt same as above
Need one for nightfall message for invite gt same as above
Need one for nightfall message for invite gt same as above
Need 2 320+ exp for farming NF quick run.GT above
331 hunter looking for nf group at the end
332 warlock Need 2 325+ players for final part of nightfall Almost solo'd all of it but got greedy running out for 2 legendary engrams and a few packs of special while he was at 20% health Will NOT be using my mic Message BA Aspartan120 for inv
Doing nf carries any light Welcome as long as you can enter the nf Gt same as above message for inv
Looking to join a team to complete nightfall
Need 1 for NF GT Rh Murky for inv
Need 2 for NF message me on xbox live for invite
335 Warlock for nf. Gt same as username.
307 Titan hosting NF message me on xbox1 for invite. GT same as my name
Need 2 nf message vanilla spartan
Need two no mic nf 330 plus gt same
Looking for 2 people to do nf with me at least 310/or looking to join someone.... msg me gt: izumi senpai
Need 2 for NF message me on xbox live for invite
LFG 334 Hunter Struggling to solo nightfall. Not getting very far. All three characters need to do it. Gt: Scorpion369a
Edited by xSGTHx TRii oG: 5/16/2016 6:24:39 AMLFG 310 TITAN experienced player send Inv in game mic or not
Edited by Daunted Sin: 5/16/2016 6:16:12 AM
Edited by SternwardTrain8: 5/16/2016 5:42:18 AM314 warlock need two for night fall Gt:Sternwardtrain8
Need 2 for NF msg for inv
335 Hunter looking to join 2 for NF