Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
Looking for nf run
Need 2 Msg: Alex The Alky For inv (No MIC)
One more for nf send msg
Need 2 for farming Gt: w swimmer iii
Starting a nf. Message zyg14 for inv
Need 2 for nightfall. Mic or not
Need 2 ll majesty ll
332 warlock looking for a group
Need 2 for nightfall, inv gt above
Need 1 320+ for nightfall message for invite gt eziofireangel
329 hunter already started. message for invite
Need two for nightfall message KnucklesMERC for invite
Need 2 for nf Gt HerobrineAlex15 320 +
335 hunter looking to do nightfall
Hosting nf. Send message for invite.
Looking for a carry inv me plz gt ^
Providedmage795 Hunter 334 looking to do nightfall send me an invite thx
Need one gt same
326 Titan Looking for team to join or inv.
326 Titan Looking for team to join or inv. No mic req.
Need 2 for nightfall gt same as above
Invite me. 325 Titan I'm running defender but I don't have it leveled much :( still a bubble thou.
Need one more
Need one for nf message for invite.
Need inv 322 tittan
Need 1