Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
334 titan. Need 2 for Nightfall. Already started it.
Need one for nightfall. Already started. Send message to gt above for invite
Need 1 more for nightfall Gt: onlyanidiot 023
Need 1 for nightfall Gt same
Need one for nightfall. Already started. Send message to gt above for invite
Need two for nightfall, GT same as above send invite
Need 2 for nightfall. Gt same as above.
Farming for warlock bond & grasp Msg IVIr IVIortimer For inv Must have sword X
Need 2 for nightfall be 315+ no mic needed gt is legendaryy Lx
Two for nightfall msg on xbox please no mic needed
329 Titan no mic
Need 1 for brothers 330+!! Gt dnbcontrolls
334 Titan, need 2 GT same as above
334 Titan doing multiple nightfalls. Let's knock them out. Send message to gt above for invite. Already started first
Need 1 at boss
334 Titan doing multiple nightfalls. Let's knock them out. Send message to gt above for invite. Already started first
Need 1
335 titan for nightfall Need 2 Gt: WebbedCrowd3 Xbox one
335 titan for nightfall Need 2 Gt: WebbedCrowd3 Xbox one
Running the nf 3 times need 2 gt same
Need 1 for nightfall. Gt above
Invite me to your nightfalls. GT: Blessed Jedi
Need 1 for nightfall. No mic. Gt Aang the elf
Need 2 for nf
at final boss need 2 mssge GT-S y Z n
Nightfall need 1. Gt above