Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
Need 2 for nightfall
At boss message me for inv
At boss msg in game
332 hunter looking for group Qdxg is my gt
324 Hunter lf group
Need 2 for 2 nightfalls msg flush Kirino
Need one more. Same gt
Need 2 for 2 nightfalls
Need 1 Nightfall 324+ Message xxFranKLotioNxx
Need 1 for nightfall we are at boss.message psyc sloth for invite must have Mic 320+
Need 2. Running 3x msg in game
334 lock looking to join. Gt same as above
Need 1 for nf Msg tacticus rex
330 lock needs 2 for nf. Message king of pajamas for invite
Need one for nf, msg ErayzR
Could use some help running nightfall on my alt. my warlock is 323 with decent arc weapons, if anyone wouldn't mind helping a bit, I'd appreciate you shooting me an invite. Gt is same as above
333 hunter LFG for NF Inv GT: signsOFpanic
Need one for a nightfall. Arc weapons are a must! Message me for an invite. GT: Effectivezach Current light on my warlock: 335.
2 needed for the nightfall message gt SpiderMan616XD for invite
335 Titan looking for 1 msg fly86boy
Need2@ boss
Need 2 for nightfall must be 325+ Light and Have Arc weapons. Xbox one: GT: Razzy EU
Need 2. Gt is Dyret20
335 Titan looking to team msg fly86boy
Need 1 for nite fall
At boss need one