originally posted in:PS3 Reddit
Gun Gale Vanguards
-Ps3 clan(PSN)
-Prefer players with mics.
-Lvl 260+ light
-Age 18+
If interested send in a request or comment on this forum.
Yall still looking for members 292 light have a mic I log on daily looking for people to play with regularly my psn is sevenfourboy
F, 20, have a mic, lvl 32 hunter but that's because I literally just bought house of wolves and taken king today.
Sup dude. new to destiny. getting dlc 15th of this month have 2 level 25 characters.
Why does it need to be 18+ :/ I'm 298 light iv got a mic
Still looking? Really looking to join a clan for raids and what not -PS3 - have mic - level 37 and improving light score as we speak - 29 years old
M, 29, I Have mic. I am looking to get into group play on destiny (ps3). I have not done any raiding yet. I mostly play strikes/patrols. Characters atm are as follows. Titan 296 Light Hunter 288 light Warlock 293 light
M, 21, no mic cable currently but have mic, Lvl 40 hunter, light level around 250 or something idk. I change gear a lot purely for the cooldowns for bounties. When can I join? I have a lot of bounties taking up space that require a fireteam.