The sunbreakers do not need to be nerfed. Before you say your stupid and a scrub here is my reason. The sub-class is based all around its super, look at the perks; most of them are based around the Hammer of Sol. Also the grenades aren't that great either, it is not like the striker's lightning grenade.
Yeah the super is powerful but be reminded the entire sub-class is based around the super. It's not like the entire class is OP it is just the super. And the super comes around on average every 4min. (Exculding Mayhem) Mayhem is not even a reason to complain about this super, supers are constantly active, and if you can not handle that, then don't play the game type.
But if you do not support my opinion, here is what should be nerfed hopefully this would be enough for you irritating hunters. The only thing that should be nerfed (if it is).
Is the shields, like reduced it by maybe 5-10% while super is active.
You could have no grenades nor melee but have a godly super. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be nerfed
I don't necessarily agree with you. The melee is "bad" because titians melees in general are bad because of the range. And their grenades are fairly decent much better than the ones night stalker got. Also what does killing enemies in fire mean? I havnt had a chance to play as the class yet and im curious if killing with fire means with sunspots and melees as well, which seems like it supports the class as a whole not just focusing on the super. And I only care about the health, i feel snipers used to be so much more useful than shotguns and much more practical than shotguns because they can stop supers from afar if you can get the shot. So once this class came out with more health it made me feel like shotguns now completely outclass shotguns and i hate shotguns too risky to run into someone elses face.