The winners of the 200$ Gift Card and the System Bundle Prize goes too:
mr brutality 7 - 200$ Gift Card
Nrrdgrrl - System Bundle Prize
Thank you to everyone who participated and I hope to see moreso in the next drawing sometime in the future. Also if you want to influence the actual items you can pm me or send send ideas.
I could use the money to support my ever worsening video game addiction. I promise I will not trade the code for weed. I swear.
I want a second system I if I ever get a friend they can come play with me at my place.
Probably troll... But why the hell not?
Edited by gentle_j84: 10/6/2015 10:28:18 PMWhat is this?! A contest for ants? How are we supposed to win if we can't even spam the contest?! But seriously, my friend just won one of the gold PS4s from Taco Bell. With this I could be like, "Bam! And I didn't even have to buy a big box!"
Good luck to all!
Good luck to all! Fingers crossed.
This would be nice.
I could use a ps4
I have moved across the country and live in the nations capital hooray Ottawa!! -- that being said I have no friends and feel I'm too old to make new ones (I'm 31).. Winning something like that would be perfect. Don't need to make fun of this if it is in any way legit.
Sign me up
I'm in
You've caught my interests
I want to win to get some money for upcoming games, ir have a chance at a PS4, I have an Xbox so why not try out something different?
You make me spook~
Wow! Nice to see someone doing something nice on the forums :)
Edited by DPiddy182: 10/6/2015 9:39:46 PMWith all the nastiness in the community it's awesome to see someone doing something awesome. Sign me up who doesn't like free money!!!!! PS if I win coc and hookers for everyone!!!!!
I want it just to have it
I need so i can fund my not-yet-existent, but-definitely-coming Silver addiction.
I want in so I can buy me a Kinect for my Xbox and a lot of free emotes
I would love it so that I could afford the awesome games I want coming up this month when I need to give destiny a break.
Don't know if it's real but I'll give it a shot. I can give a sob story about what's going on, but here's the short. I'm in college to be an ae. The school I go to is crazy expensive and I'm struggling in multiple areas to be able to keep going here and graduate. Things aren't great at home, and I'd love to use the Xbox (still on 360) to keep up with my little sister and make her feel better when dad has a bad day. I'm putting a little on the side to surprise her with a 360 (heres hoping they kick the servers out from under us) but still need to find live money. So there's the short end of my application.
I want in so that I can get those new pay to use emotes [spoiler] for free. [/spoiler]
I want to win so I can give the xbone to my best friend, so we can play games together like we used to.
If I win I'll give some back to others with a contest of my own
I want in so I could have someone actually play consistently with me on Destiny.