The winners of the 200$ Gift Card and the System Bundle Prize goes too:
mr brutality 7 - 200$ Gift Card
Nrrdgrrl - System Bundle Prize
Thank you to everyone who participated and I hope to see moreso in the next drawing sometime in the future. Also if you want to influence the actual items you can pm me or send send ideas.
You sound like the lottery. "Free money!" "You could win!" All jokes aside though your doing a good thing.
If my earlier posts did not enter me into this. May this one be the right one! The community needs more love!
Comment, there I did it Congratulations
Still sounds a little phishy. But whatever. Long as it's fair and there's actually someone who gets something for free at the end, (as long as it's not a Peter dinkelege blow up doll, dear god no) then I guess this isn't that bad of an attention grab.
I'll bite [spoiler]aaarrrrrrgggghhh[/spoiler]
Le Comment
Hmmm... my chances are slim. But I'll comment anyways. [spoiler]this is my comment. Pick me.[/spoiler]
You suck ha
Lets the RNG does his work
I think you are a really amazing and kind person to give out this stuff to the most random people
I must commend you sir, truly amazing of you to give simply cause you can. I tip my top hat to you.
(Tries to act cool, ends up not because it's free money and who wouldn't want free money)
Good Day to you sir, have a great hunting the darkness
Very kind of you
"me, Me, ME!" (Wait, don't act overly excited. Be cool. Act like you don't want it and then the OP will want to give it to me.) ...... "What ev's. Give it to me or don't. I don't care" (hehehe. I'm so slick)
Edited by ParkRangerMoon: 10/7/2015 12:23:08 AMHey. Anti depression movement leader here
Fake as my love for op
I guess so
Sounds really cool! Hope I can win!
Hopefully I'm blessed with RNG
1+1=1 on a bun
It'd be cool to get my friend a PS4 so he can play destiny with me, but I don't have the money
You are a very rare sight on these forums. Thanks!
Very cool. I take a shot here! :-)