The winners of the 200$ Gift Card and the System Bundle Prize goes too:
mr brutality 7 - 200$ Gift Card
Nrrdgrrl - System Bundle Prize
Thank you to everyone who participated and I hope to see moreso in the next drawing sometime in the future. Also if you want to influence the actual items you can pm me or send send ideas.
Free stuff is always good!
Edited by Sub: 10/7/2015 6:26:07 AMPosting here to potentially receive free rewards won't hurt me right? [spoiler][b][u]RIGHT...?[/u][/b][/spoiler]
You smell like donkey vomit ruminated on a turd for a week. Also, you're probably ugly.
My logical mind says this is fake af, but my risk/reward mechanism says it's worth it. Here goes nothin.
Edited by Mousey: 10/7/2015 6:33:31 AMJust lost my job 2 weeks ago so this would be awesome! Live in UK so £ not $ if I'm lucky...
Would be nice to win so I can add my brother to the Warlock family! Warlock for life yo! (Shocks a random hunter)
I like free. Especially beer.
I'll enter, never win these things
600! And I'll enter, why not?
Might as well give it a shot. See if I could use it for some silver
I would love to win. So I can get Destiny for the 360 so my kids would leave my xbox1 alone. Thank you
Awe hell id be kickin myself in the arse if i didnt reply and it was real! So here it goes!
$ hmoney
Bump for possible xb1
Heheh why not try to win free stuff? Unless there's a catch... youre not some rich estranged uncle from Africa? Are you?
Dont have any money rn. Also doubt ill be able to get a ps4 before ps3 servers go down
I would not mind to win, so I'll enter I guess...
[spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler]Congratulations. You found this comment. Good job. Yay.[/spoiler] [spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler][/spoiler]
WOrth a shot i suppose, money has been tight since my wifes grandmother has passed away, this would really make her happy
Worth a try, even tho everything that gives you a chance to get never works for me lol. Even RNG
I'm trynna $ave dat monaay
Edited by Leondrus: 10/7/2015 5:21:02 AMI want to bring more people into Destiny and gaming in general so if I win I would by some people games who I feel deserve it. Plus if I could get a system it would be a great gift for someone I know who has really been wanting one
Edited by Mindshard: 10/7/2015 5:20:19 AMI want in on this so I can throw money at the screen and buy two of every microtransaction emote. Why two you ask? I'm going to buy my own set, I'd just like a second set for you know, looking at. Put them on the wall, maybe have a fine wine. A gorgeous vex girl on one arm, a cabal one on the other. You wouldn't understand, it's just too classy. The cabal girl might confuse you. I'll explain it though, because while you may never enjoy luxuries so exquisite you may live vicariously through me. Their faces, yes I understand. But you get that armor off and they have a physique to make Mara Sov look like the wrong side of the Dreadnought. The check box to keep your helmet on in social spaces? That was all me. They might be 800lbs, but she can rock your world just for getting in her way.