Daily mission, Paradox, which enables us to get the first part done for the exotic No Time To Explain pulse rifle. Put your name and console down below to look for people also searching for this great weapon!
Need 2 on ps4 add potage37
Looking for 2 people to run Paradox mission for a quick run. Msg Moronicironie on Xbox one
Looking for 2 that know where the ghosts are 300 warlock GT TW1ZT1DSYK0 on xb1
303 hunter xbox one wanting to run the alternate story (with the ghost memories) invite me if you need another! Same gt as above.
Need 2 people who know what they are doing for the ghost shells. Add kakito1148 lvl 305 hunter on ps4
I need two more people to get the ghost shell msg same gt as above
Looking to collect all ghost in paradox on xbox one Gt T2Narly
Need 2 on Xbox one message me there gt same as above
Need 2 for daily Xbox360 msg crimson22
306 hunter looking for group to get shell. Msg foxtech
Looking for 2 to run this from the beginning. Have to get all the ghost still
Need two for paradox story mission gt same as above
Message poison point looking to do paradox ghost xbox1
Looking for 2 for approach the black garden
Paradox daily on xbox one message gt: SuperPenquin92
296 titan paradox gt same as above
Already started at the first ghost msg AustinOvoxoxo for invt on xbox one
Need 1 more for Paradox Daily Add Sir-Rama (PS4)
Invite scarecrow3236 xbox one
Need 2 for heroic paradox Psn sandalsock
Lvl 297 titan. Send invite for Xbox 1
Need 2 people for daily paradox mission, xbox 360 ! Gt same as above
Need 2 for daily heroic. Add kniightshade559
LFG Daily w/ 3 ghostsm GT is elbarto54880
303 warlock looking for help with doing the daily. looking for ghost. add PSN: iamroach13
Need team for fresh Paradox run Add Sir-Rama (PS4)