Now if you guys haven't looked to Kotaku and such, you wouldn't know that these micro transactions are actually good, but why though? The reason why is that Bungie has now agreed to make DLC content free, but at a price, it won't be big DLCs, just small ones with a few missions every few months. So now we have to pay to have emotes and get to get DLC free until 2016.
As long as they are purely cosmetic I am silently rejoicing
>reading kotaku
I'm for it. I love me some emotes.
Did bungie confirm this?
Depends what their idea of free DLC is. Does this just mean we're going to get things like the Red Bull quest every few months? Cause that would be shitty. I'd rather continue to pay for substantial dlc packs over being drip fed the bare minimum.
Who said dlc was free?
Bump for more people.
its going to be so odd getting a few missions every few months. I guess it will be cool to come back every once In a while until destiny 2;
Bump so this can be seen.