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Edited by ix_ofswords: 10/5/2015 10:06:55 PM

Taken King chapter 14 part 2

Here it is, really like this one. Follow @Predatorage on twitter for updates on chapter releases and...Twitch streams! The knight rose its massive, engraved staff,and slammed one end down again with a loud bellow. The ground shook, and Hive appeared all around us. A swirling energy surrounded the giant knight as two wizards appeared on either side of him, one Hive, with horns that curled forward, bright blue eyes and tattered robes marked in red. The other Taken, her horns stretched back, her face was but a hole in her mask, black and empty. We opened fire on the Hive, I turned left and fire three bursts into a group of thralls screaming and sprinting towards us. I shifted my aim to the right and brought down three acolytes, one after another. I ducked behind a large piece of ruble to avoid a barrage from the Taken wizard. I dropped the magazine from my gun and replaced it with a new one in one swift motion, then popped back up and fired a few rounds at the wizard to scare it off. “Watch out!” I heard Sierra call, and looked to my left to see a knight wielding a sword barreling toward me at top speed. I launched myself to the right of the knight and past it with a burst of arc energy. “Good shout.” I replied, watching Sierra for a moment as she drove her knife into the neck of an acolyte and it crumbled to the floor in a pile of ash and bones. I turned back to the knight, and took a step back as it slammed its sword into the ground where I had just been standing. “Heads.” Sierra called again. She tossed a smoke grenade that erupted into a dark cloud around the knight. I glided over the disoriented beast and charged a fusion rifle blast that left it staggering. I thrust my hand forward and let out a wave of light that finished off the knight and sent its corpse sliding across the concrete floor. I fired a burst over Sierra’s shoulder to take out a thrall as she twirled and threw a knife into an acolyte’s chest before unloading three shots from her hand cannon at the creature of darkness. We both turned our attention to the giant knight once again, we began firing rounds at it, but the shield of energy around it swallowed our bullets without even faltering. Both of us stopped shooting and ran back to cover. “How are we gonna bring this thing down?” Sierra asked, “It’s gotta be drawing its shield from something” “The wizards.” I responded, “It’s feeding off their strength. Echo, display high end energy signature on my HUD.” With a familiar whirring noise and a few clicks, my heads up display rebooted, and sure enough, the two wizards were tethered by cords of invisible energy to the knight. “You were right,” Echo said, “Whatever spell is shielding that knight, it’s tied to those wizards. You’ll have to take them out first.” “Got that Scarlet?” Sierra asked. “Sure thing.” The ghost replied. “Take the Taken one first.” Sierra suggested, “Sync?” “Sync.” We jumped out from our hiding places and charged toward the Taken wizard which hovered on a part of the building several meters above us. Sierra leapt into the air ahead of me, skillfully dodging a swing of the knight’s staff. I landed next to Sierra and drew my sword as the Taken wizard summoned a group of shadow thralls that I cut down before they could reach us. We riddled the wizard with bullets, and it died with a screech, leaving behind a small rune, burned into the floor. “The shield’s weakening!” Echo informed us, “Get the other one.” We moved to the second wizard as it flew in our direction. It fired a barrage of blasts that sent us both into cover. When we came out again to fire on it, it had a bright green aura forming around it. As we alternated between firing at the wizard and hiding from its attacks, the aura grew brighter, as did the rune on the ground behind us, the green flames slowly growing. Not a minute after it died, the Taken wizard rose from its grave. It caught me off guard and hit me in the back with a searing bolt of solar energy. I spun around and pressed my back to the wall, to protect myself. “What happened? I thought we killed that one already.” I exclaimed. “The aura,” scarlet explained, “the wizards seem to be able to revive each other using that aura. You’ll have to kill one soon after the other.” “Well then…” said Sierra. “New strategy,” I responded, “I’ll get the Taken, you take the Hive.” Sierra nodded, and we opened up on our respective targets. I broke the wizards shield with my fusion rifle and began hitting it with rounds from my rifle. It summoned another shadow thrall, which I dispatched with a burst of arc light from the palm of my hand. I fired one last burst into the wizards head, and again it died with a screech. Not a moment later, Sierra brought down her wizard, and the knight’s shield vanished. A group of thralls appeared in the doorway behind us, which Sierra sealed with a voidwall grenade, and I tossed a deluge grenade to finish them off. I drew Thunderlord, and Sierra pulled out her sniper rifle, and we began putting shots into the knight that stood before us. I began to reload my machine gun as the knight lifted its head and leaned back. It thrust its head forward and let out a scream sent us both to the ground and started to crack the concrete wall behind us. When the knight finished its scream, it dragged itself out of the hole it stood in. It brought up its staff and began to run directly at us. The giant swung its staff, knocking down wall and pillars, bringing down the building around us as we made our narrow escape. We ran towards the north end of the tower, as the large clumsy knight crashed through whatever stood before it. We jumped up to another landing and I smashed through the thin concrete wall that another wave of light. Outside, a storm had begun to grow, the sky had gone dark, and the wind blew the rain sideways. Meridian Bay rarely saw rain, but the few storms it did harbour were violent swells of wind and discharges of pent up electric energy. The knight stopped its charge when we got outside and jumped up to the observation platform at the north corner of the tower. Instead, the giant smashed the radio tower that stood in its way, sending it over the edge. It slammed the end of its staff into the ground again. Once again, Hive appeared and began making their way towards us. This time, we had the advantage, the Hive could only get to us from one direction, but there was a rear exit to the observation platform if the knight charged us again. Again, two wizards appeared and tethered themselves to the knight’s shield. We mowed down the thralls and acolytes rushing us up the stairs, and Sierra threw another smoke grenade while I reloaded, and she drew her sniper, she fired four shots through the smoke, and four knights fell on the other side. That thermal smart scope was a little unfair in the crucible, but she spent a long time and a lot of resources having her gun custom designed. She rolled back with a shadestep as a beam of void energy ripped through the smoke. An ogre, I thought, wonderful… The ogre’s beam tore through the thin metal that made the barrier beside the stairs, and flew just over my head. “Whoa!” I shouted, and ducked for good measure. Sierra put her hand on her knees, and I could hear her laughing over the comm. “Ya know,” she said sarcastically, “I’d like you a lot less without a head.” She stood up straight again and put one hand on her hip. “So, how about you don’t get decapitated. Plan?” She pointed a finger gun at me with her other hand. I laughed too, it was probably the worst possible moment to be doing this but neither of us thought anything of it. “Will do.” I answered. “Right then, I’ll get the ogre, you get those wizards.” She said, already half way over the barrier. She fired a Shadowshot at the ogre, pinning it to the ground, and I followed close behind in Stormtrance. The storm around us only built on the deadly arc light I chained between the wizards and thralls. Lightning struck the ground around me, filling me with even more energy. Soon, both wizards fell, and I set my feet back on the ground. The knight’s shield fell, and again, the giant let out his scream. This time, we held our ground, digging the spikes on my boots into the ground. I unloaded another belt of Thunderlord ammo into the knight, and along with Sierra’s sniper rifle, the knight fell with a roar, and its massive corpse began to burn to ash and fly away in the wind. The raging storm began do subside, the wind died down, and the rain ceased to fall. “Well,” I started as we walked over to what little remained of the first of Oryx’s brood, “He certainly lived up to the family reputation.” “I can’t imagine what we’ll have to go through to kill Oryx...” Sierra said. “Let’s worry about that when we get there.” Scarlet chimed in. “Not to be morbid, but… if we get there would be a little more accurate.” Echo said. I gave him a glare and he vanished without another word. Where the knight had fallen, lay a handful of small black stones, a few small pieces of jagged bone, and a silver orb that fit comfortably in my palm, and yet let out an eerily dark sensation. I drew the stone from one of the pouches on my belt, and held it out in my hand. To my surprise, it rose up several inches above my palm, and the runes began to glow a soft yellow before fading back to dull grey and falling into my hand. “I guess it worked.” Sierra shrugged, “Guess so.” I put it back into a pouch, then did the same with the bone fragments. Sierra took the silver orb and black stones, along with and old Suros autorifle she found under a piece of ruble. “Alright, call the ship Echo” One down. Prologue/directory [url][/url]

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