I'm at 52% with the void ability kills for my exotic sword quest on my warlock. Any ways to make it go a little faster so I can have it completed by Armsday?
Mayhem pvp, it's 500 kills in pve or 100 in pvp and both work together. In Mayhem rumble I did it in like 5 matches. Never fired a round just threw axiom bolts, melee, and novabombs. Wear obsidian mind
"We've awoken the Hive"
Personally I just ran strikes with obsidian mind equipped. Novas for days with tons of engrams. However, if you want to farm void. I would suggest the starting area in dreadnaught. There are always spawns and wars happening, so you get tons of kills quickly.
Use nova boom duh
Go to Venus were the vex battle with the fallen. They continuously Spawn and battle one another. And for the materials here is my trick. If you pick up a node that near a different (for example bordering The divide and skyreach). You can immediately run to that loading screen and run back to the node and that node will be refreshed until the node starts to turn red and that means your time to farm that single node has ran out. Sorry if it's hard to understand if you have questions message me I farm mine in under 2 hours
Obsidian mind and dark beyond mission. Nova the first 2 waves, instantly getting your super back, wipe, repeat. Took about 15 min to get from 60 to 100% when I did it.
Monte Carlo Bloom Soul Rip Energy Drain Scatter Grenade Obsidian Mind or Nothing Manacles
Siege of the Warmind, don't kill the knight at the top of the stairs, die and repeat
Mayhem Clash
Easiest way if to run the dark beyond on the moon, when you come to the dead guardian and the hive show up, kill everything but the knight, then either kill yourself or get killed and it will restart from that point, if you kill the knight just got to orbit and restart the dark beyond and it will start you where you left off, went from 30 percent to 100 in 18 minutes
Mayhem gets that shit done fast.
Go to the are were you spawn for the nexus strike , a lot of vex and fallen there when you kill a set then the other , the other set will spawn again
Obsidian helm, bad juju, drive of the war mind at the beginning before omnigul. Wipe after the waves of thrall are complete. Took me minutes to do
Taniks or omnigul strike. Tons of majors. You should have it done in one run
Use obsidian mind in the moon strike and you basically get it back knights kills you rinse and repeat
Mayhem clash with void walker
Heads up play it in mayhem and get the void kills it's so easy
Earth stair glitch. 8 enemies every 6 seconds. Level 2 dregs. Melee and grenades. 0% to 100% in 45mins.
I do the first mission on the moon on heroic. Kill every enemy and let the knight kill you.
Do some mayhem clash each person you kill with your super counts as 1% if I remember right.
Start first mission on the moon, get the obsidian mind and make it to the temple, kill the thrall and kill yourself
Edited by dwrightror: 10/5/2015 10:13:48 PMIf you kill the knight on dark beyond and it advances the cp,just go to orbit and restart,it'll spawn u back at the door cp
Easiest way I found was patrol Venus and take left path when you spawn in. Then just run a circle between the cave you enter for the strike and the 10 or so enemies that spawn on the lower ground level. Wear obsidian mind with bad juju and you'll get it in no time.
Go to the dark beyond mission on the moon, put it on heroic difficulty, get to the "We've woken the hive." Be disappointed by Nolan's voice, throw grenades/ nova bombs at the 20-30 thralls that spawn. DO NOT KILL THE MAJOR KNIGHT THAT SPAWNS, or this will progress you to the next part of the mission which has a lot less enemies to kill. Bad juju and obsidian mind will make this much faster. Im not sure if bloom counts for ability kills but if it does then put it on. Die to the major knight then repeat.
Go to the dark beyond mission on the moon, put it on heroic difficulty, get to the "We've woken the hive." Be disappointed by Nolan's voice, throw grenades/ nova bombs at the 20-30 thralls that spawn. DO NOT KILL THE MAJOR KNIGHT THAT SPAWNS, or this will progress you to the next part of the mission which has a lot less enemies to kill. Bad juju and obsidian mind will make this much faster. Im not sure if bloom counts for ability kills but if it does then put it on. Die to the major knight then repeat.
Dark beyond mission