Hello Guardians,
AJLANGER5 coming at you with a new thread post.
I had not been able to find a PS4 specific forum for nightfall so here it is.
If you want to have an easier time finding other players each week feel free to click that STAR and favorite this thread.
Need 2 for Nightfall. 300 Hunter. Add jbink and join.
Need 2 ad me Dubbelfrisinglas
Need 2 add edGROAR
Need 2 for nightfall, 304 hunter, add DesireM8
Need 2 for nightfall! Psn-IGotGoogled! Must be 290+ cause damn this is gonna be hard! Just add and join!
need 2 for nightfall psn as above
Need 2 for 3 nightfall runs 290+ Psn is same as above
need 2 people for nightfall reset. Add ShortArtz
+2 nf started add WeedHunter_ChiLL
Need 3 people for raid after reset, i am a 306 hunter. You must have 300+ light and completed it multiple times, add SpaceMonks_
Need 1 290+ light for nightfall add me Nips_Of_Lust
Qk nightfall Add ElMercenario_06 And join
[quote]Hello Guardians, AJLANGER5 coming at you with a new thread post. I had not been able to find a PS4 specific forum for nightfall so here it is. ENJOY MY FELLOW GUARDIANS.[/quote] Add Bolt_Dub for nightfall
Hey guys I'm at school can anyone tell me where the nf is ??
[quote]Hello Guardians, AJLANGER5 coming at you with a new thread post. I had not been able to find a PS4 specific forum for nightfall so here it is. ENJOY MY FELLOW GUARDIANS.[/quote] Add Bolt_Dub for nightfall
Need 2 for nightfall.. I'm light 296 Add xTONGAN_NINJAHx
Need 2 I'm 300. Add xugooseux
Need 1 for nightfall quickly
Need 1 for nightfall Add b-ryce55
I'm LL 268 Hunter. Will anyone help me through nightfall before the reset. I'm an awesome player but I've been on vacation for two weeks so I'm behind. Please add greenjelly11
Need 1 Srgt-ares-
Need 2 nf Srgt-ares-
Need two for last malice mission fears embrace !!. I'm 302 with spindle and can help on nightfall or any mission after. Add same name as abound
Need two for night fall Add jaimepz198
Need 5 for gologorth Psn stedyy 295+