Hello Guardians,
AJLANGER5 coming at you with a new thread post.
I had not been able to find a PS4 specific forum for nightfall so here it is.
If you want to have an easier time finding other players each week feel free to click that STAR and favorite this thread.
Need one for NF. 290+ Add Lib77
Need 2 for night fall 285+ light add KieranR1234
Need 1 for NF. Add and join.
Add itswajuka. On shield brothers part. Need someone who is 295+
Add itswajuka. On shield brothers part. Need someone who is 295+
[quote]Hello Guardians, AJLANGER5 coming at you with a new thread post. I had not been able to find a PS4 specific forum for nightfall so here it is. ENJOY MY FELLOW GUARDIANS.[/quote] Lfg 1 more nightfall ps4. Friend request PVTRush for inv
Need two for nightfall gt mattynash24 or inv
Done nightfall with 2 - need 1 more for brothers - add me
Need 2 290+ light Add: Black-Hawk005
Need 1 more for nf. Must be over 300 light. Add and join. Same as above
297 hunter LF NF ( no mic ) - xSwoope
303 warlock lfg psn: aalam1994
Need 1 more for Nf add and join
292 Lock LF2 For NF Add Gixzer
Need 2 - beanerage
looking ti do nightfall 292 warlock
Looking to do nightfall level 302 Titan add dcarey81
303 warlock lfg psn: aalam1994
297 titan looking for group to join
Need 2 for nightfall psn calkidz
Need 1 fornight fall 295+
303 warlock lfg psn: aalam1994
303 warlock lfg psn: aalam1994
290+ for nightfall to finish it quick, add thumbknuckle_
Need 2 for nightfall add dcarey81
Need 1 for NF. Already started