Hello Guardians,
AJLANGER5 coming at you with a new thread post.
I had not been able to find a PS4 specific forum for nightfall so here it is.
If you want to have an easier time finding other players each week feel free to click that STAR and favorite this thread.
Half way through nf. Must be over 290 light. Add me and join. Same as above
Need 2 for nightfall add me
304 hunter lf2 297+ to run nightfall
Need 2 for nf
Need 2 for nightfall. 301 titan. Add OG_derick1
Need 2 more lvl 290+ add kameroni
Looking for some experienced players to run through raid and get calcified fragments pm me
Looking to help a team with nightfall. 294 warlock. Add me.
Looking for 2 to do nightfall 299+ psn is doomxwolf
Looking to do the raid I am new to the raid but l am willing to learn I have mic I am a 296 light warlock add ermak-atw if interested
Need 1 nightfall 290 plz add freddy017
Need one more for night fall. Add same name
Need 1 more for nf must be 290+ light
Need 1 for nightfall . Be 295+ . Add and join sneakysn4ke489
Need two for nightfall. Add and join, gt same as above
At nightfall sheild brothers cp add me jay_el308
Need 2 for night fall 290 light +
Need 1 for night fall 285+ add and join I_killed_u_omg
Need 2 for Nightfall Must have 290+ light Elemental Weapons for " Match Game " modifier . Add Insane-rampage10 if interested.
Need 2 for nightfall boss checkpoint. Add BLG17 for psn
Need 2 for nightfall. Already started add and join
Need 2 for nightfall, add sethbowser
299 Hunter looking for group add zellz26
Need one for fresh run 295+ psn Nimblemynx
302 Titan looking for nightfall
Need 2 for night fall 285+ add and join I_killed_u_omg