Bought hawkmoon from Xür, damn that things a beat! Love red death more tho
When I got my firat hawkmoon from crota I screamed like a little girl not gonna lie
Before year two, I thought I would cry if got that beast from rng. Handcannons are my favorite type of wespon and for the longest time I never even had an exotic primary at all! So when I saw Xur selling the Hawkmoon, I didn't cry, but I was the happiest I could ever be about getting something from a video game. The only two guns i'll use in this game is either the Hawkawesome or the BadJuju. #Handcannons=PulseRifles
Oh, it's fun. I really want Red Death, but I'm busy playing with my new sniper.
Since ttk I have found a new appreciation for snipers and fusion rifles. Never liked either before but now they def rule
I got into Pulse Rifles for some odd reason. And Fusion Rifles too.