Title. I don't know if doing it from checkpoints counted on the app but I have 17 full completions. You can check by going to my profile >grimoire>activities>raids> kings fall.
**NOT BRAGGING** - just curious why people can't beat the raid, and just trying to be helpful. Maybe I know something you don't.
Ask anything!
Edit 1: wow thanks guys! We are slowly trending. (Kinda)
My internet just got crapped on so i will try to answer all the questions ASAP. Thanks to people who are also answering people's questions! Awesome!
Edit 2: damn sorry to hurt all your feelings guys. Didn't know that trying to help people was a bad thing for the community. I mean.. If you don't give a shit about my post, then why reply with smartass comments? #sorrynotsorry
P.S. You may have more kills than me because you had to wipe more and it took you longer to do the raid? Do I care? You're a better player than me? Find out on next episode.
My question is, why do you feel the need to post this knowing that it's only going to generate hate, not legitimate questions. Everyone knows what to do in the raid so you're just seeking attention.