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Edited by Holyfetch: 9/14/2015 5:37:40 AM

Lag lag lag

When is Bungie going to do something about all the lag BS going on? It's rare to find a crucible match w/o someone intentionally lagging. Great, you guys brought out the ban hammer on some guys a few iron banners back, but where's the follow up? Where's the continued support for those of us that want to play the game w/o cheating? Buy some servers and get us off p2p hosting. Crucible is bad enough but now it's even prevalent in POE and strikes. Wake up Bungie!

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  • This explains why there's no follow up...people keep giving them money! Bungie is not what they used to be without Joe Staten and the MANY designers that were there during the halo days. There is no trust because they have demonstrated THEY can NOT be trusted time and time again. Bungie has shown that they, on MANY occasions, they either ignore A LOT of good ideas from many people like Malphisto, a whole bunch of others and even YOU, whom have had outstanding ideas or that they are either incompetent or just unable to implement those ideas. Innovative rather than planned obsolescence or extortion/ponzi scheme/pay wall tactics Right!? But yet they can make purple balls glow at the tower and patch loot caves and fix "issues" with posts going missing REAL quick, sometimes within the same day! But yet the BIG issues go unnoticed or not even acknowledged! Issues like dedicated servers and fixing obvious lag with pvp and even pve. Optional matchmaking...don't get me started...upgradeable year 1 gear. Vault space. The loot system. REMOVAL of content for non ttk buyers. Many more issues still. But I just listed the big ones. And through all of this, what has been bungies approach to the issues they have fixed? 1 step forward and 2 steps back. And I'm not talking about Paula Abduls song neither. For every fix they create more issues, like with the increase in vault space. It was nice and should have been implemented since launch...but was instantly nullified with all the gear they made obsolete with ttk. Then again what do they care when they got our money? Previous currencies nullified with the next dlc. What do they care when they got our money? An obvious beta game for $60 to $100 was sold to us but yet they talk of potential with ttk, when it is WAY PAST the potential part. Day 1 should have been the proof! But what do they care when they have our money? HOW was bought by many just before ttk. And now all of HOW, Crota and VOG is pointless. Almost all the exotics we have now...some of them just recently found...less powerful than any green or blue weapon in ttk! But what do they care, they have our money? We ask for optional matchmaking and their response? Remove some matchmaking! Cause they already have our money! Bungie has shown to us that as long as we continue to give them money, they can make any changes they want regardless if we asked for it or not, why? Because we agreed to their terms when we gave them more money.'s fairly obvious that no matter how many great ideas are presented to matter how many fixes are brought to their attention...they simply don't care because they know that a lot of people are going to throw money at the screen. They have shown their intentions through their actions and in most cases, inaction! The [b][i]ONLY[/i][/b] thing that [b][i]WILL[/i][/b] motivate bungie and activision to change for the better and learn how to treat their customers is a [b][i]BOYCOTT.[/i][/b] I simply refuse to pay $100 for a beta game and then tell them how to make said game better. I refuse to pay them to do THEIR job! Why should we have to pay to help make a game that SHOULD have been made ALREADY? We didn't have to pay to help make Halo or Halo 2 did we? And why should we pay to only have the rug pulled from under our feet with every "update" or dlc? So...until bungie and activision learn how to treat their customers and fix the big issues with the game I will certainly not give them more money...I will instead... [b][i]BOYCOTT BUNGIE AND ACTIVISION[/i][/b]

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