Title says it all.
This is a petition for Xür to sell the Red Death.
For most people out there, Red Death is their favorite gun to use. Unless you don't have it.
[b][i][u]Ahem Me[/u][/i][/b]
So sign for the hope of a great weapon!
Signed Funguy
EDIT!: Well, Xür has sold all the exotic weapons I DONT want! Except Monte Carlo, the one he hasn't sold I have.
I swear if he sells that next weekend I'll hit my brother with the Destiny Game case...
Just any weapon because the 3 coins don't work
Bump. Also Zhalo because RNG hates me.
Edited by ColeRH: 10/22/2015 11:05:31 PMNo screw him selling 280 piece of shit guns. He needs to sell engrams every week
You must not be a year 1 player if you don't have red death yet.
Bro buy it off the wall?
Save up and buy it off the wall.
Umm you can buy RD.
Buy it off the wall.
These kind of people -_-
If you know Red Death is good you presumably had it in year one? If so then why not just go and buy the year 2 one for 150 marks from the blueprint booth? (I did - it was the first thing I bought when I got 150 marks together).
Petition for you to farm 150 marks and stfu.
Hail RNGesus and u will get a dropped 290-310 red death. Cue sells terrible 280 stuff anyway
Wait how the hell do you BUY red death for marks
Just buy legacy engrams. Do Vog and crota end till you get it. Then go grind for 150 marks
That would majorly suck considering I just bought it for 150 legendary marks
Go buy it
150 marks to hard for you? It would be nice if XUR sold something different and actually worth buying for a change instead of a gun we can buy with marks
Go and earn it. Seriously people like you just want everything given to them. Go do vog or crota. You don't even have to have more than 3 ppl
Uh, he has sold it every week since TTK. It's called a legacy engram. Buy it, Red Death is dropping like mad for everyone.
Same. Switch to PS4 from XB1 at TTK and getting some of my Y1 stuff back has been a bitch.
[b][b]AFTER[/b][/b] he sells Zhalo. Then you can have your Pulse Rifle
just pony up the legendary marks and buy it
The last remnant of the Pre-2.0 Meta. Lets not start the great Hawkmoon infestation of the Crucible again in the TTK with that pulsey-pulse. The Red Death infestation has already happened enough, also.