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Edited by Lost Sols: 12/7/2015 2:08:57 AM

Destiny: The Taken King Review (fences have 2 sides and sometimes a gate)

Part 2 of my Taken King Review. the first review was on the experience left for those without the game and now it's on to the actual expansion itself and whether or not it lives up to the billing (Raid review may or may follow at some point... If I ever run the raid lol) This was not an easy review as the Taken king not only represents such a dramatic shift in so many areas of the game, but also because it's been so polarizing amongst the community. Over the course of recent weeks I'd lost my post history with the removal of the #bumpfortruth tag (EDIT: [url=]Just got a pm linking to this post that it's back[/url]. Thank you Coz.) and the Favorites tab has been disabled for the vague reason of "causing undo chaos". Meanwhile, I've also been accused of working for Bungie and received a fair amount of nasty hate messages for purchasing the Taken King to do this review. One would think it would make objectivity easier when both sides are being unreasonable in their approach, but it has actually led to this being the hardest video I've done. To those who are anti-Bungie/Destiny at this point I would say this. There is nothing wrong with being upset with this game and there is nothing wrong with voicing frustrations, but if we're going to tear something down, we need to be willing to offer up solutions to problems and ways to make things better. Telling Bungie they suck and walking away doesn't do anything for this game. Not only that, but when you start telling people that Bungie suck and not to buy their game on principle, you're not helping make this game better, you're actively trying to destroy it. And to Bungie i would add; topics like the desire for in-game grouping options and the hurt over locked out content aren't going away, but the fact that people are still posting despite their hurt shows they still care about this game. Can we as a community be better? Yes, we undoubtedly can, but if you want some quarter from us, at some point you need to show that you're willing to answer the tough questions now and again and you need to stop dictating and start interacting and learning what we feel about your game. Without trust and communication, we’ll have nothing but a world devoid of emotional attachment and I don’t think any of us want that. Thank you.

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  • I think the best way to sum up the situation is to just say that the game is decent most of the time and brilliant when it clicks but is severely limited by having a souless/tone deaf company behind it that isn't shy about screwing their customers if they feel they can squeeze a few extra bucks. I don't think any of us in the forum would like to see the game fail but a lot of us would like to see the company fail and that is (To me at least) the root of the problem. People can't separate the game from the company (Since Bungie has no other games ATM) so anything done badly on one inevitably reflects poorly on the other and we get fanboys riled up because they fear the game becoming something they don't like. Solutions to the problem? Sure! I love providing solutions... Company wise: (In order of importance) 1. Have Deej and Cosmo actually engage with the community (That means being prepared to handle tough questions and having the company backing them up with actual answer) It may sound simple enough but up to now all Deej and Cosmo have done is being mouthpieces for Bungie only when its convenient. I don't think they actually had any company support behind them to provide answers to questions up to this point and it puts them in a position more similar of a wall or shield to insulate the developers than Community Managers that actually foster two way communication between us and them. 2. Be more willing to relinquish control: This means they should relax the micromanagement of our play-styles. Its a friction point that the game doesn't need. The game often feels stiff and awkward every time the players run up to your play time caps and thinly veiled restrictions. This needs to stop or be tempered significantly. 3. Be honest with your customers, if you are struggling to come up with variety, let us know. If you plan on switching to paid subscription please let us know. If you are going to lock stuff out please provide an alternative its shows that the company cares and generates sales from skeptics like me. Game wise: (Again in order of importance) 1. Variety is the spice of life, think beyond the box of well worn activities we already love and hate to repeat if you struggle with ideas Crowd-source them with us. We in the forums could switch from heaping criticism to flooding you with cool ideas for content at the drop of a hat if you actually treats us like a community and engage us beyond just advertising any new DLC all you have to do is ask. 2. Progress, It takes time and it annoys people to lose it whenever you implement changes. Respect that and design to expand our progress not to replace it or reset it. 3. Difficulty: (you should be adding more difficulty options not removing them) People already repeat stuff in this game give them more customization options to ramp up the challenge (And offer notably better loot with each bump in difficulty) It will keep most of us happy and challenged and more importantly interested until you cook up your next DLC. 4. Matchmaking: Stop thinking negatively of it. Make it optional and let the players sort themselves out its a tool and giving more tools to us players can only broaden our options. Will there be trolls? Of course but the players can sort that out by themselves. I know I deviated from the main point of the thread but as someone who skipped TTK I kinda had to. (Sorry about that, I tend to get long-winded when bored)

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