"I want to be you're friend but I can't do that unless you talk to me"
*she stays quit*
[b]he remains silent[/b]
"I'm waiting to see if you're going to say anything"
*she shakes her head*
[b]he takes off his helmet and looks at her[/b]
*her helmet stays on as she remains quit*
"Talk to me please" [b]he speaks in a lighter tone[/b]
*shakes her head*
[b]he sighs and remains silent waiting for you to say something[/b]
*she tosses something off the building*
[b]he looks at it[/b] "What was that?"
*she just tossed a 302.round*
[b]he remains silent[/b]
*tooth runs up and lays down beside wolf*
"Hey tooth"
*tooth ignores you as wolf pets him*
[b]he remains silent and puts his helmet back on[/b]
*wolf lays down on the roof with tooth and begins to drift off*
[b]he stands up and begins walking away glancing back at them[/b]
*they both look so peaceful as tooth keeps watch over her*
[b]he walks out of unity and into the wastes[/b]