Did you know that titans with the Hammer of Sol active that you cant kill it with (without any buffs) one Golden Gun shot? And that they can get even more armor with a node in there subclass? I am stating facts and if these are wrong I ask you to prove it.
Supers are supposed to be balanced with this super it is not balanced. (and what I mean by that is Golden Gun Vs Hammer of Sol. I dont mean the subclass is supposed to cripple the super in sum way)
Dear Bungie Hammer of Sol titans are to over powered will you please take the titans armor down while Hammer of Sol is active.
Edit 1: so someone just told me that its different when you are the titan. So I will use it and see if the subclass (other than the super) is bad like (some of) you guys say. Then i will come back to this post and I will tell you what I think. (may take some time as you guys can see I have a level 8 titan.)
Supers are not suppose to be balanced. That's what makes them super. Give WoD a reflection ability so that it can kill people too. All this whining for nerfs will just damage its PvE potential.