"What the hell are you doing?"
*she stays silent until the debris clears and she stands up*
[b]he stands up[/b] "You alright Wolf?"
*she doesn't answer and starts walking*
[b]he follows[/b]
*she pulls a rather large piece of debris out of her side and makes it to unity*
"Oh crap you OK?"
*she nods and holds her bleeding side and begins bandaging herself*
[b]he walks up next to her checking his weapons and reloading them[/b]
*walks into unity*
[b]he follows you[/b]
What do we do now?
"I don't know you just want to go chill out for a bit maybe grab a few beers?"
[b]he remains silent[/b]
*she walks off*
[b]he walks away[/b]