[b]a night remnant that was still alive presses the trigger for the bomb and the power core starts to heat up. Jack grabs it from you and throws it off into the distance and it explodes making an enormous cloud of dust and debris. As the cloud quickly approaches Jack tackles you to the ground and uses his own body to block you from the debris and dust.[/b]
*she sides steps and instead covers you with her body*
"What the hell are you doing?"
*she stays silent until the debris clears and she stands up*
[b]he stands up[/b] "You alright Wolf?"
*she doesn't answer and starts walking*
[b]he follows[/b]
*she pulls a rather large piece of debris out of her side and makes it to unity*
"Oh crap you OK?"
*she nods and holds her bleeding side and begins bandaging herself*
[b]he walks up next to her checking his weapons and reloading them[/b]
*walks into unity*
[b]he follows you[/b]
What do we do now?
"I don't know you just want to go chill out for a bit maybe grab a few beers?"
[b]he remains silent[/b]
*she walks off*
[b]he walks away[/b]