I just got an exotic side arm and haven't seen anything on the Destiny database for it it's called Unlawful Compromise
I got it during the daily today when I was running around Without being seen by anything it's at the end
For people who don't believe me I will run you through, send me a message I'll walk you through it all
Dodi3342 was the next perso to get it!
Sweet another wannabe troll to mute.
I'm on PSN what's your username
Anyone wanna use me on this guy?
Hey look another retard to mute
You are all idiots. It says "troll" in the tags. These forums are a perfect example of why humanity is -blam!-ed.
Dem tags.
I would love to know how to do this. Psn is the same as my screen name
Tags tho
You know your tags really rock
I just got This gun myself. ROLling heads with it. Thanks for the info.
Oh yup it says troll never mind. Lol. Should have red the tags. Foolish me.
Everyone in this thread is just upset that they can't ever find anything on their own, and rely on the forums to do all the dirty work for them.
Dude that's old news I got it from xylar
i do not see this weapons in your inventory at all... not saying you do not have it, but i dont see it on your characters, or in your vault
sure. no #troll here...
Were you neglected as a child or perhaps still a child. Seeking attention on a forum by lying is not a good sign. If you had anything you would equip , you would take a pic and post a link. But you haven't sp it's obviously an attempt for attention.
If only there was a way to look up this kids inventory... OH WAIT https://destiny-inventory.herokuapp.com/xbox/Joeykuz48
Please read the description everyone before you go around saying it's fake and I don't have it
I think a lot of people are not reading the hashtags...
Let's see it.
Pics or a didn't happen
You guys aren't reading the post through, it tells you in the post I made
Put it on.. Oh, you can't? Because this isn't real? [spoiler]I see.[/spoiler]