One shotted three earlier. No damage, end of animation, 1000 yard stare.
Again ... Their armor
Their armor was maxed. I checked their subclass.
... Go check YouTube.. But I guess good job
Get gud
Yeah... I'm gonna listen to you with that mediocre kd? If they maxed their armor then popped their super you can one shot the with 1000 yard stare.... Unless datto, and the rest are wrong and I've shot them with it and ldr and watch him live... Mayb you high caliber rounds idkno... But don't tell some one better than you to get gud... Just got destiny on my Xbox ... Rumble me fag
Lmao, KD is where you're going? I use swords only regularly now, so I don't see why that's a big deal.
Your whole destiny career you've been negative
In crucible? Yeah, I'm sure. I barely hold a hood KD in CoD, and I'm not amazing at crucible. Never said I was. Just telling you to git gud
Why would someone bad tell someone good... To get good?
I've had a 5 KD in my recent games.
Amazing you proud of that?
Yes. Mostly cause it was elimination.
I'm not gonna give you shit for improving.. Keep up the good work bro!
Thanks m80. Stay golden.
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Xbox1 gt believe I'm dope