your just upset that you cant wreck havoc with your crap bow, therefore you find the next best thing and bash on it. legit any super is easy to put down. i didnt see this much crying since before the blink nerf
Because I totally main a hunter lmao. I don't know where you were during the House of Wolves era of Destiny but the amount of people bitching on the forums about Warlocks and Hunters were astronomical. Ram with a full armor self-rez Warlock, Firebolt Nades with extra burn time, Blink-Shotgunning, Bladedancer + Blink + Quickdraw, Thorn, The Last Word, Final Round Snipers, Hidden Hand Snipers, Shotguns with High Impact with Rifled Barrel/Smallbore and Shot Package, etc.
i used to main hunter, then i found out it wasnt such a good choice after all so i decided to play titan because sure hunters look sick,but after i tried out the bow in crucible i was just done. what you should be asking for is a nightstalker buff
The bow is really meant for PvE, or at least that's where it shines.
it sucks plain and simple thats why you guys want the hammer nerfed because its mobile and can outplay your stupid bow. go back to gunslinger thats where its at
I'm not a Hunter main though lol. I don't even play as a Nightstalker if I do play Crucible.
did you not just say you main hunter ?
Sarcasm doesn't travel well through a screen does it?
but forreal tho if they nerf it to the same armor stat as other supers id be fine with that anything else is pretty much stupid
nah i tried it too doesnt work haha