look, go check my stats (all 3) and u can think what u want, but if you can't take out a HoS ur str8 bad. u said it in ur own post bud, ur a weak little piece of trash who can't hold his own in a little kiddie multiplayer game. Heres sum advice kiddo, put in effort (turn up n*ga) and gun down those titan scrubs (majority of pvp player suck) if u suk so hard that your gunplays off just p*ssy out and run away u poor lil hunter.
if ur gna complain about sumthing pick a gun, any gun! cuz dats whats killin u da most!
Well, I have now found the rare redneck titan. It's even more stupid than the regular titan.
Woah there, we Southern Americans might talk funny, say words you don't understand, but we don't write that terribly. Most of us learn to read and write at our little high schools of 300 people.
I'm not saying all Southern Americans are rednecks, just some are......... Annoying
I'm saying we're all rednecks, because rather some agree with me or not anyone from the south is slightly redneck. They just haven't embraced that fact yet.
Your comment gave me aids.
The spelling in this post gave me cancer. You're average at best in PvP