So I am very confused on how to get Boolean Gemini, I have heard that you need to complete Varik's/Petra's quests in a certain order, I have heard talk of requiring a specific item and I have also heard that you need to be rank 3 with the Queen's Wrath to get it.
I have been putting off completing Lost and Found for fear that the quest is bugged and that I might be forever locked out of the Gemini.
TL;DR, can someone explain to be the exact steps and stipulations to getting the Boolean Gemini?
Edited by CeeDUBx57: 10/1/2015 11:25:15 PMNo specific order, you just have to complete the quests for both Petra and Variks and u will receive it when done. You might have to be a level 3 with both of them but I don't think that's correct as I'm sure I'm only at 2 1/2 with variks. But I am above 3 with the queen. I like you had read that it needed to be done a certain way, which I had already strayed from. But I completed them none the less and got the Gemini when I finished the last quest for Variks as Petra was already completed.