So I am very confused on how to get Boolean Gemini, I have heard that you need to complete Varik's/Petra's quests in a certain order, I have heard talk of requiring a specific item and I have also heard that you need to be rank 3 with the Queen's Wrath to get it.
I have been putting off completing Lost and Found for fear that the quest is bugged and that I might be forever locked out of the Gemini.
TL;DR, can someone explain to be the exact steps and stipulations to getting the Boolean Gemini?
Edited by OurWildebeest: 10/1/2015 11:45:09 PMNo idea, Petra handed me one out of the blue today. I guess do her quests and bounties. I think I inadvertently completed a quest I wasn't paying attention to because I expected a Her Benevolence or some nonsense.
Taken War: Petra quests, Variks (HOW) quests, and then back to Petra for 3 bounties, Should get it when done if your Rank 3 (queens rep). Favorite weapon ATM. ENJOY!
The steps aren't in any order just be rank three and complete petra's and variks' quest lines and petra will just give it to you
I think you just have to complete the quest. Idk, I didn't do anything in a specific order. I just did the quests and then I got it. Didn't know how to get Boolean Gemini, honestly.
You must re do the HOW story line
- touch her vange.
[spoiler]not the best spoiler, but you still looked[/spoiler]
I don't think it's reputation specific. Just complete the quest chains for both the Queen and Varicks.
Edited by CeeDUBx57: 10/1/2015 11:25:15 PMNo specific order, you just have to complete the quests for both Petra and Variks and u will receive it when done. You might have to be a level 3 with both of them but I don't think that's correct as I'm sure I'm only at 2 1/2 with variks. But I am above 3 with the queen. I like you had read that it needed to be done a certain way, which I had already strayed from. But I completed them none the less and got the Gemini when I finished the last quest for Variks as Petra was already completed.
I'm no where near queens rank 3 and somehow got it.
I finished lost and found before the Variks quest, and I still got it.