Yah thats why its one of the most popular games ever made with dozens of books, tv shorts and anime films made for it. Its so bad that mlg used it as its main game in their Championships.
But you like destiny which has a worse multiplayer. Plays almost exactly the same but without the balance.
Your probably just a salty ps fanboy.
Have fun with that crap game that bungie left to get in on the ps4 looks like your gonna have another disappointment like halo 4
Halo 4 was awesome.
Yeah you know what else is popular? Call of duty. And it sucks. Sides destiny sucks and I prefer other games to it.
Cod is played by scrubs who arent skilled enough for halo. Camping and gay killstreaks make them feel good. Mlg wouldnt touch that shit.
And mlg is touching that pile of crap. Haven't you seen any news for gaming? Its a tournament look it up
But its still popular. Isnt it? Crash bandicoot is better than halo
Crash bandicoot is a different genre.the old ones were amazing tho ill give you that