Pot calling the kettle black? That's scrub logic for you...
Edited by Pboyslice: 10/1/2015 7:26:49 PMSheeeeeeiit, here I go again. How about instead of being a douchebag you help OP solve his problem, after all that's what the forums are made for to help and communicate with others players in the community.
Edited by NinjaGoogle: 10/1/2015 8:00:15 PMHelp? HE NEEDS TO STOP THINKING SOMETHING NOT BROKEN IS BROKEN. Can't fix stupid. SB has few if any problems. If he did his fukin research he would see SB are just as intended. You're an idiot for defending him. DO YOUR fuking job and stop this madness when you see it. All these tears are drowning the community!!
I'm an idiot for not being an asshole and instead looking for solutions even if it's not the right thing have you ever thought for a second although someone is wrong you can still help them how about you help OP by stating your supposed research and give him some tips/facts on how to counter the super instead of bitching at him. Fvck, is it really that hard. If you're really skilled you should do everything in your power to help those who aren't. Good day sir.
Actually, yes it really is that hard! You clearly don't see the level of stupidity that plagues these forums. Some people are that ignorant. Good day...
Yes, I do realize it!!! But it doesn't matter to me even putting a simple reply might just help solve a problem and or change someone's POV on things it's better than being a douche and leaving a bullsht comment that does nothing to help.
You ever thought of taking your own advice? You bitching at me isn't helping him much either? So once again I say... The pot calling the kettle black... Victim to your own words...
Once I started my conversation with you I began to try and instill the thought of helping others into YOU therefore, I am trying to help YOU be less of an asshole if you refuse to take my advice then you're just as ignorant as you say people on these forums are Pot calling the kettle black... Victim to your own words...
Helping me is pointless my fellow guardian. I don't need help. I don't cry about supers and guns. I love this game and will deal with whatever shit comes my way. From forever 29 and the loot cave. To black spindle and Draksis the loot God. Helping me? Don't take me for a fool. You are wasting your time if you are trying to help me. If I need help, I'll ask for it. Don't attack someone and call it help.
Great for you, you can take anything that this game brings your way...that's irrelevant. I attacked you because you were attacking someone who needed help so I don't see how what I'm doing is wrong and idc if you didn't ask for help I'm still going to try to get my point across to you and so far you really are being a waste of my time and are being ignorant to the truth.
This ^