My vault is pretty full most of the time these days particularly for weapons.
Having a tough time deleting so many of my old guns, i find an excuse for not deleting almost everything...
'Aww no thats a raid gun they are special'
'Thats a vanilla gun, thats special'
'Thats an LDR people rant about how good that is, cant get rid of that'
'I used to use that new monarchy scout with firefly all the time, good times, cant get rid of that'
And so it goes on
Before TTK when we didnt know how infusing worked, like most of you i was keeping all my legendaries until i knew if they would be useful to infuse new stuff, now we know they are not.
How are you guys deciding what to delete?
I think Im becoming like one of those hoarders who live in their homes surrounded by piles of old crap they dont need but cant throw out... but im the destiny version
I might just load up my hunter with a load of stuff, she can be an extra vault