To quote many hunter mains from year one
"They hate us cuz they ain't us"
"Git gud scrub"
In all reality I am biased. I main a Titan. I love all 3 classes, and greatly enjoy hunter and warlock, but Titan has always been my baby (excluding pvp) (and currently the only character I've leveled in TTK). But here's the little thing that people don't seem to realize. Titans fight other titans in the crucible as well. We have to evade hammers the same as you. I've learned how to counter them. RUN. Get distance and break line of sight. Don't challenge a Titan in super. It's that simple. That's what I do, and I'm a Titan.
Second, and this seems to be the hot button issue, the Titan armor while in super. I mostly see this compared to blade dancer, which is in a sense true. Titans have the highest base armor. Hunters have the highest base agility. Both supers accentuate those rolls. The reason bladedancer is so strong is not the damage reduction, it was the damage mitigation. If your using it correctly you can avoid being hit. Titans get awesome armor, because that's our role. Counter with a super of your own. 2 golden gun shots is fair, considering titans had to waste their entire havoc over 1 bladedancer for a year. At least you have one (or two, depending on exotic usage) shot left to take out another player. And you can fire GG shots a hell of a lot faster, and farther than a hammer.
Lastly, the super is the only strong area of that subclass. I used to pvp with my hunter and warlock because of the passive perks available.
The sunbreaker does not have passive perks that help in a pvp environment. I can't yet comment on the passive perks of the new warlock and hunter builds, but I've seen enough of the hunters to know how good the passive abilities are.
In summary, calm down and enjoy the game. If you see a Titan in super, or hear the "gong" of activation, -blam!-ing [i]get out of there[/i]. When in doubt, bug out.
*please do not assume I mean all hunters are represented by the vocal minority. Hunters kick ass, just as much as titans and warlocks.
Tl;dr - Read the damn post. I put it in paragraphs and everything.
They hate us cuz they anus