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9/28/2015 3:53:34 PM

Destiny is a ticking time bomb, a failure of a business model. Elaborated below.

Right now, Destiny is one of the most successful games of all time. There is no debating that. It's player count is currently rising and it has made millions upon millions of dollars. Which is great - for the short term. Destiny wants to continue for another 9 years with sequels, expansions, and DLCs, all sold to you for a seperate price. They want you to get invested in their game and continue playing this whole time. Unfortunately, their current business model makes this a failing tactic. Consider for a moment the latest release of The Taken King: Legendary Edition. Likely anybody who did NOT purchase Destiny at release would have bought that, since it includes triple the content for the same price. Anybody who didn't have Destiny before has it now. Which is why we're seeing strong numbers currently. If you recall, at the times of TDB and HoW, we saw DRAMATIC declines in player population. Players were getting burnt out of Destiny's gameplay and reward system. It will only follow a similar trend in the next few months. People will get burnt out on TTK and stop playing. The newer players will stick around for a while, but again, they'll likely be dropped when the next expansion is revealed and they're expected to cough up another $20 or $40. Destiny's model is going to fail. Period. They have nobody left to sell Destiny to, as TTK: Legendary Edition has already picked up any new players that didn't have it before. On top of that, each Expansion or DLC will only drive more and more players away, as their gear becomes obselete and they're expected to pay more. In short, in about 6 months, Destiny will have nobody else to sell to. Period. The only players sticking with Destiny will be the diehards for the game that are willing to spend hundreds upon hundreds of dollars to keep up.

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  • [i]"Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government, except all the other forms that have been tried from time to time."[/i] ----Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister. House of Commons, November 11, 1947. Destiny----like all persistent world games----has to generate the revenue it needs to maintain the game, and pay for both the frequent updates and new content that it requires. Most of these games are PC based games...and PC gamers have been willing to support a wide variety of economic models. But as these types of games move to consoles...and to a fan base that tends to be younger and have less income.....developers have had to get more creative about how to generate that revenue. Bungie chose this model for a simple reason: DLC is the ONLY model that console gamers have shown a willingness to consistently ----though grudglingly----support. Especially with anything as labor-intensive as a FPS. People who are supporting the game, are people who LIKE the game....and understand and accept that Bungie has both the right---and the need----to raise that money. I've played MMOs where I've been required to pay monthly subscription fees...and TRUST ME....what Bungie is doing is a hell of a lot fairer...and gamer-friendly...than sub fees are. But the bottom-line is that this game simply cannot carry people---indefinitetly----who are not financailly contributing to the game's ongoing expenses.

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