To be honest the only thing we can spec for in the subclass is our super (by giving us additional hammers, adjusting flight paths) but none of the other perks in our setup really work for PvP (Sunspots are garbage in general) so obviously we aren't going to cripple our super by using perks that don't give us more bang for our hammer. The DR is ridiculous though, and needs to be toned down enough that GG can one shot it.
I would urge you to play as a Sunbreaker for a while, and gain some perspective other than the "Wrong side of the Hammer" point of view.
You people act like other classes got such an amazing kit. Gunslinger? Apart from a good super? A situational melee? Decent grenades?
Tripmine, double throwing knives, incendiary throwing knife, kills with precision knife throw charges your melee up again, gaining melee, and grenade energy when picking up ammo, not to mention the bonuses for precision kills.
Tripmine can be survived, titan got stickies. Throwing knife is situational- double, recharge, wtvr. Incendisry knife- even a hs with it doesnt kill at full health. The increase in grenade and melee recharge after picking up ammo? Its miniscule and titan can get an increase when super is full. Isnt itans melee a one hit kill? Handling and stability buff in pvp? Lol at you of you think it matters a lot.
Lets just say that most of that shit is good for pve.
I give up. None of that is good. Full armor builds survive tripmines.
precision kills buff stability and reload speed. its an amazing perk if you're accurate.
Yeah. For pve.