Everyone compares Sunbreaker with bladedancers and gunslingers etc. and says that Sunbreaker is OP.
What alot of people dont seem to understand tough is that Sunbreaker is the only class with a skilltree completely focused around the super.
It's a really good class when your super is activated but outside of the super it is really not that great.
Sunsingers get double nades and over shields on melee HIT.
Bladedancers have invisibilty, backstab, blink and faster weapon switches.
Nightstalkers are able to track enemies, throw smoke grenades with there melee charge and have shadestep.
The list goes on and on.. I think you got my point there.
What does a sunbreaker have outside of his SUPER?
Of course Sunbreaker should have the strongest super if the whole skilltree is focused on it, they have nothing else going for them.
I have made this arguement and see it often. But it seems that no one ever has a ligitimate response. All they can say is "hammer OP!" People only ever compare supers, and forget about the rest of the passive perks. For the non titan complainers, ask yourself this; "What passive abilities would I be willing to give up to have a comparable super?" [spoiler]the answer is "All of them and your melee range"[/spoiler]
I would give up all of them for a comparable super. That's why I've been using my Sunbreaker. That extra stuff is just extra stuff I don't really need or care for.
So true dude. I love my titan but that melee is pure garbage, even if i'm next to someone i rather should the enemy before i melee the air. On my warlock i allways ask myself how i just hit that guy with my melee haha
What do gunslingers get?
Agility, throwing knives and precision kills that buff weapon handling
Edited by Sawosz: 10/1/2015 1:20:38 PMBecause that stability buff and reload buff is SSOOOOI good in pvp. On a precision kill. In a game where in general you dont want to go 2v1. SOOO OP! Throwing knife is situational at best. Agility? Titans are rhe -blam!-ing fastest class!!!
Name one good perk for sunbreaker that isn't a perk that affects the super
recharge of grenades and melee when you have your super full.
Edited by CrispyAndThin: 10/1/2015 2:39:51 PMSub par grenades and sh[b]i[/b]t melee
Edited by Sawosz: 10/1/2015 2:56:26 PMThe grenades are not subpar. You got fusions ffs.
Bullshit on Titans are faster than a Voidwalker.
Titans are the fastest class in the game via Titan skating. This is a fact.
The hell it is. Ive tested speed against a titan, and I was faster.
Edited by Sawosz: 10/1/2015 1:58:53 PMEnglish please. Edit: did you mean that voidwalkers are faster?
This ...
Ok well when your super is game changing in PVP then it needs to be fixed
Its not really game changing, i stopped alot of sunbreakers allready sniping them with one shot of my spear.
Yeah,but that and Black Spindle are just about the only snipers that can do that. And I prefer not to live in the past using old gear like the Spear. I'd rather keep my light level up for better drops.
Then just get a headshot and a bodyshot with mid impact ones, shouldnt be hard with that firerate
When there is more than one you can tell.