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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Analytical Ghost: 10/1/2015 1:33:45 AM

To all guardians...

Put down your hammers Lay down your bows Retain your storm We are all equals, it doesn't even matter what class we are. Let me tell you an example In 1984 an experiment was conducted. 40 college students made a mock prison. 20 guards, 20 prisoners. It was supposed to go on for 2 months, but could only last a full week before shutting down. You want to know why? The students put as guards immediately used their power to their advantage, doing harsh things to the prisoners like beating them and even some inappropriate things we shall not speak of. You see, this is what I find happens when one class or weapon type gets so much power. They take advantage of them, and roast someone in salt if they try to testify against them. Sound familiar? Bladedancers, sunbreakers, lag switchers, handcannons. They were severely abused so you can blow through your content faster that everyone else to be elite. Can we just skip this path, I'd rather it happen. I'm a hunter main. You may be a Titan or warlock main. That doesn't make us different. So please, stop making it a difference.

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