Instead of watching, do t yourself. I dont need to watch anything to know nightstalker will win. As ive done it. And i do it, every single time i run nightstalker. Shadowshot shuts down any and every super
I'm also a hunter and if you're facing any sunbreaker with half a brain then you're -blam!-ed because shooting them directly won't kill them or shut down super and shooting ground or wall next to them works but it takes a second to tether and any half decent sunbreaker will have killed you. the only way I see winning is if they suck or maybe with quiver
Then you suck at nightstalker, i use black hole. For the range and multiple tethers. And i shoot sunbreakers directly with it. Same effects apply, i have a strategy i use. Strategy works. I dont die, i live, and walk away
So many of these dumb posts. Post a clip or shut up, your words mean nothing here. So far visual evidence has proven your post worthless. Now go get some clips!
Taking anecdotal evidence from a few videos by random people is the best kind of evidence. Bungie has better data than you ever will with this crusade. If it's over performing, it will be adjusted.