I want hammer of sol nerfed but before you say some bull about how op we use to be hear me out. Just
A lot ppl think I want the whole super nerfed... I just want them to lose about 15 -25 health so snipers and golden gun bullets can kill him
Almost 2,000 damn
Here is a question for you, if GG can one shot them out of their super does this not put titans at a sever disadvantage? There is no travel time for GG so they would win every single encounter (if they are skilled) but with sunbreaker depending on the distance it will be much more difficult to get a hammer off and be able to hit the GS. What I would suggest is having dropoff damage with GG. If they are within a certain distnace (say 10 ft or so) it will kill the titan but any more distance than that it will be two shots of GG.